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Wai-Tong Ng


Professor Ng received his medical school training at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Upon completion of his internship training, Professor Ng joined the Department of Clinical Oncology at Prince of Wales Hospital in 1992 and later Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in 1994. He attained Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists in 1997 and was conferred Doctor of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong in 2008. Professor Ng is currently a Clinical Professor at the University of Hong Kong and the deputy chief of service at the Center of Clinical Oncology, University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, honorary consultant at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, honorary consultant at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, honorary consultant at the Queen Mary Hospital, and past president of the Hong Kong Head and Neck Society. He also serves on the editorial board of Oral Oncology, Annals of Nasopharynx Cancer, and Journal of Hong Kong College of Radiologists. Over the years, Prof. Ng has been actively engaged in clinical research and has contributed to more than 100 publications. His primary interest is head and neck oncology.

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